Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Arlen Specter to Become a Democrat

The big news out of Washington today is the Pennsylvania senator Arlen Specter has decided to switch from a Republican to a Democrat. This comes as big news because it will give the Democrats their 60 filibuster proof majority assuming the Al Franken ruling holds up. Arlen Specter is a knieving, arrogant politician who only cares about getting elected and will do whatever he can in order to do that. Arlen Specter decided to become a Democrat only after Republican Pat Toomey challenged him in the primary and Specter realized that his political life was in serious jeopardy. Specter has no morals and will vote whatever way he has to in order to stay in power, and I would like nothing more than him to lose in the Democratic primary. No matter what party you are, the people of Pennsylvania and the United States deserve better than this piece of trash.
Here is Jason Edwards stance on the issue
Breaking news today Senator Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania said he would be switching parties. Senator Specter has always been a moderate republican. He has often been frustrated with the very conservative stance of the republican party. Specter was facing a challenging re-election bid in 2010. This gives him a better chance of winning and also a better outlet to stand for what he believes in.
"I am unwilling to have my twenty-nine year Senate record judged by the Pennsylvania Republican primary electorate. I have not represented the Republican Party. I have represented the people of Pennsylvania," Specter said in a statement. "I am ready, willing and anxious to take on all comers and have my candidacy for re-election determined in a general election."
The democrats are more than happy to welcome Specter to the party because once Al Franken officially wins the senate race in Minnesota. The democrats will then have the 60 votes needed to stop the republican filibuster. This will give the democrats an easier time in passing their legislation.

Friday, April 24, 2009

GM Is Becoming a Royal Debacle

This article is by Jason Edwards

No wonder the king's mediation of 40 years of stalemated labor and business issues in the auto sector isn't going so well. There's a reason royal discretion has long been outmoded as a way to run an economy: Things just work better if a realm's subjects are left to resolve their own disputes and interests through the impersonal mechanism of the markets and the law says Jenkins in the WSJ today. The president should have never took over GM or Chrysler (GM is worst out of the 2). Let them go into bankruptcy! I don't know what else needs to happen for the president to realize that the market and consumers decide what kind of cars they want not the government. This is not the job of the president. GM is just drowning faster and faster while the government stands by their side attempting to help (key word attempting). Go into chapter 11, restructure, and when the market returns so will the auto industry. The problem is that they are not making a profit (GM was number 6 in Forbes 500s). People are still buying cars. The problem is that they are paying billions in health care to retirees (a reason we need to reform health care) and the UAW wages are the highest out all the automakers. In chapter 11 all this can be fixed. There is no need for government intervention.


Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Please Just Let the Automakers Go Into Bankruptcy

This article is written by Jason Edwards

The government is set to give another $500 million to Chrysler and another $5 billion to GM. This needs to stop now! There comes a point when you just need to say enough is enough. These companies are never going to get their act together because they know the government will just keep dishing out the money. Because the government keeps giving them money they have no motivation to change. Ford on the other hand is doing all that it can to change its companies policies because they know they have nothing to fall back on (in the long run Ford will be a viable company I believe). This is exactly what the Tea Parties were about; throwing money at a bad situation. It is not helping the auto companies at all. Let them go into chapter 11 and restructure. In the short term it will be hard to watch employees losing their jobs (even though with government money employees are still losing their jobs) but in the long run it will make for a more viable auto company.


NBA Playoff Update (Western Conference)

Here is the Western Conference Playoff picture so far.

#1 Los Angeles Lakers vs. #8 Utah Jazz (1-0 Lakers)

The Lakers got out to a 22 point lead at halftime of game 1, but the Jazz made a spiritied comeback and had it down to single digits in the 4th quarter before ultimately losing by 13. Lakers are the favorites to win the NBA Championship but this series is going to be much closer than people think. I think both teams hold serve at home and the Lakers take this one in 7.

#2 Denver Nuggets vs #7 New Orleans Hornets (1-0 Nuggets)

The Nuggets drilled the Hornets in game 1 but this series is far from over. Chris Paul and David West will both play much better throughout the series. This series features two very even teams despite the difference in seeding and the play of JR Smith off the bench for Denver could be the deciding factor in this series. I like the Nuggets in 7.

#3 San Antonio Spurs vs. #6 Dallas Mavericks (1-1)

The Spurs came back after their disastrous game 1 performance and looked like a completely different team. Obviously the loss of Ginobli hurts them, but they showed in game 2 that they aren't going to go down in this series without a fight. The Mavericks and Spurs have both been inconsistent at times this year but both teams are very talented and I expect this to be a hard fought series. Mavericks in 6

#4 Portland Trailblazers vs. #5 Houston Rockets

The Rockets blasted the Trailblazers in game 1, and believe me that was no mirage. The Rockets are a more talented, savvy, veteran-led team and I expect them to have no problem with the young Blazers. I'm taking the Rockets in 5

NBA Playoff Update (Eastern Conference)

The NBA Playoffs have been nothing short of spectacular so far, and here is my update of all the Eastern conference series.

#1 Cleveland Cavaliers vs. #8 Detroit Pistons (Cavs 1-0)

The Cavaliers demolished the Pistons is game 1 and I expect the series to be more of the same. This is not the same Pistons team from years past and without Chauncey Billups, they cannot even be competitive with the Cavs. I like the Cavaliers to take this series in 5 games

#2 Boston Celtics vs. #7 Chicago Bulls (1-1)

This series has been absolute must-see TV so far. The Bulls came out on fire game 1 and beat the Celtics in overtime behind Derrick Rose's heroics. Game 2 was also an incredible game, as a late Ray Allen 3 (shown in the video above) propelled the defending champs to a 1-1 series tie. This series has been the most entertaining series so far in the playoffs and shows how awesome playoff basketball can be. I think Derrick Rose, Ben Gordon and the Bulls take this one in 6.

#3 Orlando Magic vs. #6 Philadelphia 76ers (76ers 1-0)

In what might be considered the biggest upset of the playoffs so far, the 76ers came out in game 1 and shocked the heavily favored Magic on the road. Andre Iguodala hit the game-winning shot with 2.2 seconds left to give the 76ers a 1-0 lead in the series. I think the Sixers showed a lot of heart and will continue to make this a tough series, but I just think the Magic are too talented and will take this series in 6.

#4 Atlanta Hawks vs #5 Miami Heat (Hawks 1-0)

The Hawks took it to the Heat in game 1 in surprising fashion with a blowout win. This series will be much closer than that game however. These teams are very evenly matched and I expect this series to go the distance. Dwayne Wade is going to need to step up his game 1 performance for the Heat to win while the Hawks are going to need to get consistent contributions from their normally inconsistent players like Josh Smith and Mike Bibby. I like the Hawks in 7.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Bulls vs. Celtics a Thriller

Wow what a game I just got done watching. The Bulls pulled the game 1 upset over the defending champion Boston Celtics. Derrick Rose played like anything but a rookie with 36 points and 10 assists. i was really impressed with Tyrus Thomas' shooting, and the poise of the young Chicago team. There was obviously no KG for the Celtics, but the Bulls looked like the team to beat in this series. I'm predicting Bulls in 6

Bankruptcy for GM on the Horizon

This article is written by Jason Edwards

GM doesn't seem to be able to get its act together. As I said in an earlier post they need to work with the UAW. The union is killing our American automakers. In an article on FOX news Horace Cooper says there are three things that could turn around the auto industry. Adopt a 3 Year Moratorium on UAW union representation and immediately suspend the existing UAW contract, let the consumer decided what type of products the automakers produce (NO BODY WANTS THOSE UGLY ENVIRONMENTAL CARS!), lower the cost of service and maintenance instead of having warranties backed by the government. I agree with every single one of this ideas. I am a liberal but I 100% disagreed with the government taking over the auto industry. There is a reason we have chapter 11 bankruptcy. We have seen many companies come out leaner and meaner after bankruptcy (K-Mart for example). I hope they do go into bankruptcy so only the top brands stay, re-do the contracts with the UAW, and create products consumers want to buy at reasonable price.


Countries Reaching out to President Obama

This Article is wrriten by Jason Edwards

Wow! Foreign countries are willing to talk to the new president because he is willing to talk to them. In the Bush administration there was no dialogue. Bush just focused on the differences, while Obama is focusing on the similarities. All foreign countries want is respect. They don't want to be bossed around as they were during the Bush era. As the Godfather said, " keep your friends close, but your enemies closer". This is the new administration priority. I know many conservatives are disappointed because Obama went abroad apologizing for our countries past wrong doings. The United States is an amazing country and I am so proud to call it my home but we have made mistakes. A country that is based on law, morals, and human rights the past 8 years we did not act like a country with those beliefs. I know sooner or later that it will be realized that we can't be respected if we keep straying away from our value system.


Thursday, April 16, 2009

Tax Day Tea Party A Success!

The Tax Day Tea Party was pretty successful yesterday for those against huge government spending. No major problems arose and the protestors were extremely peaceful. A lot of times when protests happen, people get out of hand, and I want to personally thank all the protesters for being well-behaved because this is such an important issue that does not need distractions. The liberal MSNBC obviously had a field day with this, Rachel Maddow consistently said the word teabagging to try to make a sexual pun, this wasn't funny or even mildly entertaining. The left has made this out to be some crazy, radical Conservative cause when in actuality there was a lot of everyday Republicans along with a lot of moderate Democrats. Many of the people there even had signs wishing for Bill Clinton back, a Democrat that could balance the budget. I saw a couple of good signs, notably Commander-In-Thief and a cute little girl holding up a sign saying "Stay out of my piggybank". The zenith of the day was Hannity's coverage of the Tea Party in Atlanta which had 20,000 people including country singer John Rich, who sang his anthem for the working man "Shutting Detroit Down" The liberals will downplay this event, but it was very successful and hopefully the government, Democrats and Republicans, will start to get the picture that these outrageous taxes and budgets aren't cutting it with the American people.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

NBA Playoff Time

One of the best times of year is approaching with the start of the NBA Playoffs. I will be going through an in-depth look at the first round matchups on Friday. We should be in for an exciting playoffs! The East seems to be between the Magic, Cavs, and Celtics but watch out for some sleeper teams like Sixers and Bulls. In the West, the Lakers are the heavy favorite, but the difference between the 2 and 8 seeds is miniscule and at this point any team could come out of the West. This should be a fantastic playoffs and I can't wait to watch them!

Watch out for Left Wing Extremism

Along with the Homeland Security report to watch out for right wing extremist. You have to watch out for left wing extremist the report also says. So conservatives, liberals also have a threat assessment as well, so cool your jets. It was not a partisan Homeland Security Report by the Obama administration as right wing radio and TV host were exclaiming


My note: While Jason has some good points, I think we can all agree anti-capitalist, communist, and socialist is extremist. Being pro-life, anti-gay marriage, and pro-free market is not extreme, you may not agree with these views but I think calling them extreme is ridiculous

GM and Chrysler need to get their act together

This article is by Jason Edwards

In a very short period a time this country could possible have only one American automaker (Ford). Ford didn't take any money from the government, it worked with its unions to bring down wages, it is creating cars that people want to buy, and it brought in someone that is an outsider to the auto world. Unions have many positives (higher wages and better benefits) but they also have a lot of negatives (high wages and legacy benefits), which are shown recently with the downfall of the American automakers. I believe that unions are a main cause for the implosion of the American automaker. If unions don't step back and look at the bigger picture we will see the end of the American automaker. I believe that GM, Ford, and Chrysler can come out on top, but only if they change their business models, bring down wages (from $75 to $45 dollars an hour like Japanese automakers), and create cars that people want to buy. Now we have seen Ford do this. When will GM and Chrysler get theie act together? I hope it is before their time is up (60 days for Gm and 30 for Chrysler). If they don't then the government should back away and let them fail.


My note: It's not often that I agree with Jason Edwards, but this is article is 100% accurate.

Happy Tea Party Day

Hey everyone, I just wanted say Happy tea party day to everyone and hope that you look up and attend your local Tea Party. We need to stand up against this crazy government spending, which started at supposedly "conservative present" George W. Bush. Let's let our elected officials know that these taxes are outlandish and the spending has gotten out of control. In other news, Obama has decided to change the name of Tax Day to Christmas

Public Option for Healthcare?

This article is by Jason Edwards

First let me say that we are finally having this debate. I have seen first hand the shenanigans of are current health care system. Republicans and Democrats both have good ideas when it comes to health care reform, which is why I believe and hope that the Democrats do not go to reconciliation vote. Republicans believe that government run entities (like Medicare) are too costly and inefficient. Majority of Democrats (with the exception of very liberal Barney Frank and others) believe that we should have public and private insurance providers. Which I completely agree with because it will keep private insurances companies in check , keep cost down, and it will also give citizens something to fall back on it hard time (like during this recession when people are losing their job and the one thing they are worried about is losing their health care because they lost their job). I have to say I agree with the Republicans when they talk about all the waste that can be found to be used to reform health care and get cost down. This will lower the need to raise taxes. Remember this is not socialize medicine this is a payment system.In my opinion we should all have a choice in our health care provider (public/government run and private/business pay). What do you think?

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Watch out for right-wing extremism

In the most ridiculous report I've ever seen, the Department of Homeland Security is telling people to watch out for right-wing exremists groups tomorrow, most notably returning veterans. This report is meant to make conservatives look racist and anti-American. I can't even describe to you how ridiculous this is, and is clearly the Obama administration trying to take press away from the tea parties tomorrow. Read the USA Today link to read the whole thing.


Isaiah Thomas, Flip Saunders get jobs

Two former NBA coaches were hired today, one was probably thrilled about his hiring, the other one not so much. Former Timberwolves coach Flip Saunders was hired today by the Washington Wizards after a 19-62 season so far. Saunders has coached the Minnesota Timberwolves and the Detroit Pistons and has a career .597 winning percentage, which makes him the 7th most successful coach in NBA history to coach at least 900 games. I think that was a really good hire for the Wizards, and with talented players like Antawn Jamison. Caron Butler, and Gilbert Arenas, I expect them to be in the hunt for a playoff berth next year.
The other hiring was former New York Knicks President and coach who will be the next men's head basketball coach at Florida International University. The move came as a surprise to some who thought Thomas would wait for something better, what those people might not have realized is that Isaiah Thomas is a horrendous coach and nobody else would want to hire him. I think this is a publicity move for Florida International and a desperation move for Isaiah Thomas.

The Party of No (Socialism)

While I keep hearing all Democrats in Congress like Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid continue to call the Republicans the Party of No, it just makes my blood boil. I personally don't understand what is wrong with saying no to President Obama's ridiculously liberal agenda. Everyone talked about how Bush killed our country economically, yet Obama could as much as quadruple our national debt in the span of 8 years with his bailouts and gigantic budget. That means that one man, President Obama will put us 4 times more into debt than every other president combined in history, that's a scary thought to me. Along with that, Obama is essentially in charge of GM now, and I don't know if you know this, but when the government owns private companies, that's known as socialism. I am not completely defeding the GOP, because they took part in this too when they voted for President Bush's bailout, but it at least seems that the Republicans have found the errors in their ways (Olympia Snow, Arlen Specter and Susan Collins excluded) and are trying to make a difference. The Republicans are supposed to stand for small government, private industry, and tax cuts, if they weren't voting no on Obama's proposals I would be worried.

GOP Scrambles

This is an article by Jason Edwards

The GOP is scrambling around to pick up the broken pieces of the last 8 years. It seems to me they are taking queues for the Obama administration. They are using the internet to reach out to the American people, to see what is on their mind, and to answer their questions. This is a step in the right direction for the GOP. During the last 8 years they have shut themselves off from the outside world ( at least President Bush did). They need to reconnect with the American people to gain some ground on the Democrats. Right now the democrats have the people's attention. The Republicans are not only saying, NO, but are coming out with their own proposals. Lets just rehash some of the things they proposed. The proposed tax cuts (which is nothing new, even though I do agree that our businesses need to have a lower capital gains tax, we have the highest), a 5 year spending freeze on all programs not military, and health care reform. Is the GOP serious, a 5 year spending freeze in an economic recession? Not one economist ,left or right agrees with the GOP on that idea. Now on health care reform I have to say they have some good ideas. I believe that GOP and Democrats need to come together in a bipartisan effort to create health care reform. The democrats should not just take it to a reconciliation vote (Democrats would only need 51 votes). I believe that people would start listening to the GOP more if their ideas started to make logical sense. Over this past weekend somebody said to me, "so what is a liberal", and before I could answer they said, "common sense". I am not the only one that is thinking this way!


GOP leader backs Specter

As I wrote yesterday, Conservative activist Pat Toomey has decided to challenge current Senator Arlen Specter in Pennsylvania primary. Senator John Cornyn of Texas, who will oversee the 2010 elections for the GOP, has come out in support of Specter. Cornyn stated, "As I survey the political landscape of the upcoming 2010 elections, it's clear we need more candidates that fit their states...While I doubt Arlen could win an election in my home state of Texas, I am certain that I could not get elected in Pennsylvania. I believe that Senator Specter is our best bet to keep this Senate seat in the GOP column... vote for Arlen Specter is a vote for denying Harry Reid and the Democrats a filibuster-proof Senate" This support for Specter tells you exactly why the Republican party has not been winning elections. The party keeps settling on moderate Republicans such as John McCain, Arlen Specter, and Lincoln Chafee because they think that's what America wants, when in actuality that is what is turning people away. The Republicans are supposed to be a small government, tax-cutting party and they are going away from everything that made them successful. As a conservative I am absolutely disgusted with Cornyn and any other Republican who backs Specter. The Republican Party wants to know why the keep losing support and this is the reason why. America is still a center-right country, but if the Republicans keep acting this way and continue to get away from their values, it will be a long time until another Republican is in the White House.

Franken Winner in Minnesota

This is an article written by a left-leaning Spolitical contributor Jason Edwards, who will be featured quite often on this blog

This is a big win for the democrats, it will make them only 1 short of the filibuster proof majority and give them a better chance at passing their policies through the senate (like universal health care and card check). Norm Coleman can still bring this case to the Supreme Court, which he said he will be doing. Coleman has every right to bring this case to the Supreme Court, let just hope that they don't screw it up like they did in 2000 with Bush vs. Gore. I believe Coleman should stop fighting and allow the people of Minnesota to have their 2 senators. This has gone on way to long.

My Note: The Saxby Chambliss win in the Georgia runoff is looking absolutely huge right now for the Republicans, who still have some life. With a couple of moderate Democrats like Evan Bayh and Joe Lieberman in the Senate, Obama will still have trouble passing some of his extreme liberal agenda

Monday, April 13, 2009

Who will get the 8th seed out west?

In the Western Conference, everyone is trying to avoid the 8th seed and first round matchup against the Lakers. As a Jazz fan, this is especially important to me because I think the Jazz could beat anyone with the exception of the Lakers. Let's take a look at the 3 teams fighting it out not to get the 8 seed

6. New Orleans 49-31
7. Dallas 48-32
8. Utah 47-33

*The Jazz have the tiebreaker over both teams and New Orleans has the tiebreaker over Dallas

Here is the remaining schedule
vs. LA Clippers
@ LA Lakers

vs. Minnesota
vs. Houston

New Orleans
@ Houston
@ San Antonio

This should be an interesting finish to the season. The Jazz should beat the Clippers and the Mavericks should beat Minnesota. The one team that many people do not realize is involved in this race is the Cleveland Cavaliers. If the Cavaliers win tonight, the Lakers will have no reason to play their starters because the Cavs would have clinched home court advantage for the entire NBA playoffs. This would obviously be a huge plus for the Jazz when they play @LA the last game of the year. If the Jazz can win the last 2 games, all they will need is the Mavericks to lose to the Rockets or New Orleans to lose to Houston and San Antonio. Even though seeding doesn't normally matter, any of these 3 teams can win a first round series, as long as they don't have to play the Lakers.

Toomey to challenge Specter in 2010

Being from Pennsylvania, this was the best news stories of the day. Incumbent Republican Senator and RINO(Republican in Name Only) Arlen Specter has gotten a primary challenge from conservative Pat Toomey. Pat was the president of Club for Growth and also mounted a primary challenge for Specter in 2004, which he lost narrowly. Specter is thought to be very vulnerable because of his vote for the stimulus package, a package that only 3 other Republicans voted for. Specter knew a challenge was coming, and even prematurely ran an ad about Pat Toomey criticizing Toomey for being a Wall Street Trader. A hypothetical matchup between Toomey and Specter conducted by Quinnipiac University had Toomey leading Specter 41%-27% with 28% undecided. This could turn out to be a great race, and while I think Specter has a much better chance in the general election, he is basically a Democrat anyway so I hope Toomey can pull it out.

Tax Day Tea Party

I just want to inform everyone about this great event coming up April 15th around the country. the Tax Day Tea Party is meant for people to stand up against government spending, the event is non-partisan and will get the people's voices heard, check out their site at http://taxdayteaparty.com/ and show your opposition to excessive government spending of our tax money.

Geithner to host global finance meeting

The title may be funny, but it's actually not a joke. Geithner is hosting a meeting with international finance ministers next week however many details of the event are unclear. Maybe Geithner will be showing the finance ministers how to use Turbo Tax.

RIP Harry Kalas

As a Philadelphian and Phillies fan, I will miss Harry Kalas. He was one of the great guys in baseball and he will be missed very much. RIP Harry!

Sunday, April 12, 2009


Wow, the Masters is getting absolutely ridiculous. Phil Mickelson and Tiger Woods have both made huge comebacks and both sit at 10 under, just one back of the leader Kenny Perry. This is just unbelievable, I hope Phil Mickelson can pull this one out

Happy Easter

Happy Easter everyone!!!!!!!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Pawlenty says Obama's Budget Will Create Mountains of Debt

Minnesota governor and 2012 presidential hopeful Tim Pawlenty is the latest to come out against President Obama's budget. Pawlently probably does believe that this budget is too big, but it seems that one of the reasons he is being so critical of it is for his own political gain in the 2012 race. Pawlenty was considered one of the top candidates for John McCain's VP, but some said he doesn't have conservative enough credentials, I guess he's trying to prove them wrong.


Hey everyone, my name is Mark Cunningham and this is my new blog where I am going to get spolitical. The two favorite things are sports and politics and I will be combining them on this blog. I will be talking about fantasy sports, sports stories, political stories, and just general opinion. I love to hear everyone's opinion and am very fair so feel free to contribute to this blog.
